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Together, we can make the world a more loving and just place, one vote at a time.

GLIDE Center for Social Justice 2024 Ballot Guide

These are not political positions. They are values-driven stances on the issues that affect the people who walk through our doors every day.

Local Propositions

YES on Proposition B

This proposition proposes a $390 million bond that would fund key health and shelter infrastructure across San Francisco that would improve hospitals, clinics, public spaces, and road safety. GLIDE supports increased funding for more shelters and housing for families, better health access, and improved street safety for our senior clients and people with disabilities.

yes on prop b

YES on Proposition G

This proposition would require the city to set aside funding every year to expand housing opportunities for extremely low-income seniors, families, and people with disabilities. This funding would be used for rental subsidies so that extremely low-income households could access affordable housing that is currently too expensive for them. GLIDE supports this proposition because we serve many clients with extremely low incomes who need access to housing they can afford.

YES on Proposition O

This measure would provide public information on where people can access reproductive health care services and otherwise remove barriers to access. It also prohibits the City from engaging in formation sharing that could lead to prosecutions related to abortions. As reproductive health care has come under attack across the country, the state of California and the city and county of San Francisco have had to strengthen protections to make sure people can access the services they need. GLIDE’s programs and policy work focus  on intergenerational support for women and children. All community members should be able to access the reproductive health care that they need, including contraceptives and abortion care.

State Propositions

prop 3

YES on Proposition 3

This proposition protects Californian’s freedom to many regardless of race or gender by removing discriminatory language from the California Constitution that recognizes marriage only between a man and a woman. GLIDE has been a social justice champion on LGBTQ+ issues since the 1960s and stands in solidarity with our clients and staff and the LGBTQ+ community across California to protect their rights and privileges under the law.

YES on Proposition 5

This proposition would remove a barrier to increase local funding for affordable housing helping people experiencing homelessness and lower and middle-income households. Specifically, it will make it easier for local governments to borrow money for affordable housing and public infrastructure by lowering the voter approval requirement from 67% to 55% for local bonds. GLIDE wants our staff, clients, and the broader community to benefit from greater access to affordable housing.

prop 5

YES on Proposition 6

The current California Constitution prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude, “except as punishment for a crime.” You are probably shocked slavery is still legal in California; let’s change this! If Prop 6 passes, California will no longer be able to punish incarcerated people for declining to work. Prop 6 will support community members who are incarcerated by offering greater choice and flexibility to engage in rehabilitative activities like education and workforce development, which eases their community re-entry. GLIDE is a strong advocate for second chance opportunities for our historically marginalized and disenfranchised community members, including many of our clients and staff who have come out of the carceral system.

YES on Proposition 33

This proposition would give cities more authority over rent control protections and allow communities to decide the policies that will work best for them. More specifically, Prop 33 would allow cities and counties to maintain, enact or expand residential rent control without State limitation by repealing the Costa-Hawkins  Rental Housing Act of 1995. Rents across the state are too high and unaffordable, especially for low-income communities and communities of color. Families and communities deserve to live in housing that meets their needs.

prop 33

YES on Proposition 36

This proposition would increase felony charges and prison sentences for theft, shoplifting, drug possession, and drug provision. GLIDE is concerned that this proposition will result in unjustly targeting communities of color for a disproportionate increase in criminalization, while not addressing the root causes of substance use disorder and theft. This proposition would increase jail and prison populations, decreasing the savings that have directed hundreds of millions of dollars to mental health and drug treatment programs, K-12 schools, and crime victims.

Prop 36

Voting Resources