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The Community Voices of GLIDE for Rev. Cecil Williams

cecil, celebration, voices, outside

The line started outside Glide Memorial Church on Taylor Street, reached back up to O’Farrell Street, and amassed well before doors opened at noon for the 1:00 pm Celebration of Life for Reverend Cecil Williams.

For long-time Glide church member Elizabeth Greenfield, it felt like reconnecting with strangers whom she’s always known. “How Cecil was able to bring different types of people together. It was an amazing thing,” said Greenfield. You would be in the church, and around you, there were people you wouldn’t meet in your everyday life. Cecil would say, ‘Turn around and embrace the person next to you.’ And that’s why I’m here today. To honor a man who loved humanity.” 

At GLIDE, we are all guided by the spirit of unconditional love instilled by our Co-Founder, Rev. Cecil Williams. On Sunday, May 12th, we celebrated his remarkable legacy following his recent passing. The atmosphere was electric, blending profound emotions, cherished memories, joy, and gratitude for the iconic Rev. Cecil.  

From the early morning hours, when our doors opened, volunteers and staff worked side-by-side in the kitchen, preparing meals while others set up hundreds of tables and chairs along Ellis Street for our guests to overflow from the Sanctuary.

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The Glide Ensemble, led by Vernon Bush, sings “Glory” during the tribute to Rev. Cecil Williams. 

The sound of our world-famous GLIDE Ensemble and Change Band church members rehearsing their songs filled the air, adding to the anticipation for the outstanding show that was about to occur.

The GLIDE Ensemble began lifting spirits with rousing renditions of  Under Our Roof and Glory, songs which were personally chosen by Rev. Cecil himself. Then, in between speakers, music performances by Michael Franti, and folk legend, Joan Baez followed, turning the event into the considerable celebration that he would have wanted.

Michael franti cecil celebration

Michael Franti opened with his personal testimony of how GLIDE helped him as a young father looking for guidance and he debuted a new song, I Hope I Come Back As A Song lifting the entire congregation to its feet. 

One of the many attendees who came to honor Rev. Cecil was San Francisco and Tenderloin native, Sakura Martin, who grew up embracing Rev. Cecil as a local community pillar and an exemplar of civic engagement.

“So many different programs, from providing daily meals to providing harm reduction services, have been modeled after what Cecil created,” said Martin. “It’s inspiring to know that there is someone who created such a lasting legacy for SF and created hope for so many people. GLIDE has been a constant presence for struggling people, providing help and resources.” 

cecil and gardner

Among the many special speakers was Chris Gardner, whose journey embodies resilience and hope. Gardner’s life is a testament to overcoming impossible odds. Once a homeless, single father, he famously transformed his challenging circumstances through sheer determination and a relentless pursuit of happiness.

His compelling story was popularized by his autobiography and the subsequent film adaptation, “The Pursuit of Happyness,” where Will Smith portrayed him and his son’s struggle on the streets of San Francisco and Rev. Cecil made a cameo in the movie as himself at GLIDE.  

Gardner shared reflections at the celebration, noting, “The work you do at GLIDE impacts people you may never meet.” His words underscored the lasting influence of unconditional love and radical inclusive community — a legacy created by Rev. Cecil Williams’ mission at GLIDE.

Gardner’s life inspires many to believe in the power of hope and the possibility of renewal, even in the most challenging times. 

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Albert Williams, Jr. (Rev. Cecil’s son), GLIDE President & CEO, Dr. Gina Fromer, Kimberly Williams (Rev. Cecil‘s daughter), and San Francisco Mayor London Breed were front and center at the Celebration of Life. 

Alongside his late wife, Janice Mirikitani, Rev. Cecil transformed GLIDE into a sanctuary for those with nowhere else to turn. Under their leadership, GLIDE became more than just a place of worship; it became as a vital community resource offering meals and supportive services to the most vulnerable and marginalized.

Their work laid a foundation of care and support that predates—and, in many ways, presaged—modern public interventions in urban homelessness. This legacy of compassion inspires actions addressing the root causes of poverty and disenfranchisement in the community, underscoring GLIDE’s mission to fight systemic injustices, create pathways out of poverty and crisis, and transform lives. 

doobie brothers cecil williams celebration tom johnston

Tom Johnston, Co-Founder of the Doobie Brothers, led the Glide Ensemble in their hit “Listen to the Music.”  

“This is what we need to do. Families get up and sing together,” said Johnston. “I’m in awe of Cecil. What Cecil did for the community continues. And people can count on it, and there’s not a lot of that left.”


candy tsang cecil celebration

Glide Church member Candy Tsang is in line waiting to enter with fellow Glide congregant Rachel Tanner. 

Another community voice was Candy Tsang, who recalled when she first met Rev. Cecil. “It was on Easter Sunday, 2012, that I met Cecil and Janice Mirikitani. That was the day my oldest brother passed on. I asked them to pray for me. And then, I met with Cecil this past Easter Sunday, a week before he died. I admired his kindness, generosity, and lifting people with nothing. And how he spread love and joy to everyone he met. It’s why I keep coming back to GLIDE,” said Bay Area native Candy Tsang from her seat in the pews.  

“GLIDE is a unique San Francisco experience where we welcome everybody worldwide. It doesn’t matter the color of your skin or your religion. We spread love. We spread peace. We embrace people from all walks of life,” summed up Tsang. “We don’t look down on people with no money or home. We embrace human beings. I learned this from Cecil and Janice.”  

kaye foster and mary glide

GLIDE Board of Director Chair Kaye Foster raises her hands next to Vice Chair Mary Glide  

As the sun set on a day filled with emotional tributes, the essence of Rev. Cecil Williams resonated in every handshake, hug, and heartfelt conversation among those who gathered. His vision of a community woven together by compassion and acceptance resonated deeply, echoing through the streets and into the hearts of all present. GLIDE is a symbol of hope and a testament to the transformative power of love and inclusivity.  

As the sun set on a day filled with emotional tributes, the essence of Rev. Cecil Williams resonated in every handshake, hug, and heartfelt conversation among those who gathered. His vision of a community woven together by compassion and acceptance resonated deeply, echoing through the streets and into the hearts of all present. GLIDE is a symbol of hope and a testament to the transformative power of love and inclusivity.  

Cecil Williams set GLIDE on an enduring path of unconditional love. Every day, we honor his legacy through the three pillars of our mission: the Center for Social Justice, Glide Memorial Church, and our Programs.

We meet our clients where they are, help stabilize their lives, and support individuals and families striving to break the cycle of poverty. This celebration not only commemorates a remarkable life that transformed the world, but also reaffirms our dedication to advancing our values of radical inclusiveness, truth-telling, serving the community, and fostering love and hope.