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Backpacks, Books, and Bright Futures: How GLIDE’s Community Came Together for Our Young Scholars

Young scholars are our future—tomorrow’s teachers, doctors, lawyers, and leaders. The education they receive today sets them on that path. With our 10th annual backpack giveaway, GLIDE ensured they started the school year ready and equipped for success.

To prepare for the Backpack Giveaway on August 15th, 2024, GLIDE staff and youth volunteers gathered in our sanctuary to fill 400 backpacks with school supplies—books, notebooks, crayons, and pencils.

Our President and CEO, Dr. Gina Fromer, engaged with the youth, emphasizing the importance of education. She reminded them, “You are our future.” Life Science Cares generously donated over one hundred of these backpacks.

On August 17th, at 10 am, volunteers from Code Tenderloin and GLIDE staff set up tables with books for families while backpacks filled with school supplies were spread throughout the sanctuary. Families arrived, and kids eagerly chose their backpacks and played games like Goldfish and Tic-Tac-Toe with our staff.

The free book giveaway stood out, offering diverse titles like “Wow, Mom, You Speak Spanish!”, “I’m a Little King” and “Matzah Craze.” This event showcased our commitment to radical inclusivity, ensuring everyone felt included and valued.

Our community has no boundaries—everyone is dedicated to strengthening it. Del Seymour, our board member and the “Mayor of the Tenderloin,” was glad to see the youth in our community.

He talked with the kids and handed out school supplies, saying, “These kids remind me of the energy and curiosity I had at their age.” Local officials—Controller Malia Cohen, Assessor Joaquín Torres, and Supervisor Dean Preston—also joined us, showing their commitment to the community.

They answered questions from community members and connected with the children, providing a valuable opportunity for policymakers to engage directly with the people they serve and strengthen community ties.

The success of our 10th annual backpack giveaway demonstrated the strength of our community. GLIDE will continue supporting our youth by providing resources, mentorship, and opportunities, ensuring they have the tools to succeed in school and life.