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Be The Change: Volunteer Newsletter September

Good-Bye’s and Shout Out’s

Our amazing Walk-In-Center Staff.

A Fond Farewell & New Beginnings

With September coming to an end, we are entering a new season here at GLIDE. With the Holidays around the corner, I am excited for all the festivities in store at GLIDE.

Additionally, within this newsletter I am excited to shine a spotlight on the amazing work our Walk-In Center does for our community. I was fortunate enough to interview DeMarco, a GLIDE employee of 8 years, and all around rockstar in the Housing Services Manager role.

Please be sure to read to the end for my heartfelt final message as I transition out of this role and wish you all a marvelous season of giving!

Program Spotlight: The Walk-In Center; featuring: DeMarco McCall

Photo of DeMarco providing a rental assistance presentation.

By Tessa Stapp, Volunteer Coordinator  

In this month’s program spotlight, we are excited to feature a remarkable member of our GLIDE team, DeMarco McCall. With nearly eight years of dedication, DeMarco’s journey is a testament to the power of commitment and passion.

When he was first asked about GLIDE years ago, he likened our role to working at an ice-cream shop.

“I still feel that way, coming to work; we’re serving happiness. Every interaction we have with someone, whether it’s offering rental assistance, an ID voucher, or a free meal; those are all like a scoop of ice cream”

A Day in the Life
James’s shifts are anything but routine. “It’s different every day,” he explains. “We have so many volunteers—sometimes from as far as Japan or France—and we always have to adapt. But that’s what makes it exciting!”

He especially enjoys the variety of people he meets and the opportunity to help those in need. “I’ve been homeless, and I’ve battled addiction,” James says.

“I know what it’s like to be in those tough situations, so I see our guests as people, not just cases. I hope people looked at me with the same understanding when I was struggling.”

From Facilitator to Firefighter

DeMarco’s GLIDE journey is nothing short of inspiring. He began his career here as a facilitator for anger management and domestic violence classes, a role where he made a profound impact through his empathy and understanding. “My first position was facilitating classes for men in progress,” DeMarco recalls. “It was all about helping others make positive changes in their lives.”

As he moved through roles from Client Advocate to Housing Case Manager, DeMarco’s influence grew, eventually leading him to his current position as Housing Services Administrator. In this role, he describes his daily challenges with a touch of humor and resilience. “Now I’m the administrator of housing services,” he says with a smile. “Instead of serving ice cream, I’m putting out fires.” His metaphor of firefighting highlights his proactive and hands-on approach to managing GLIDE’s housing services, proving his knack for turning potential crises into manageable solutions.

Cherished Moments
When asked about his favorite GLIDE memory, James reflects on the powerful impact of witnessing newcomers experience GLIDE’s mission for the first time. “Sometimes we get caught up in the grind, and it’s easy to forget how amazing what we do really is,” he admits. “Then someone new comes in, sees the work we’re doing, and is moved to tears. It’s a powerful reminder of why I love this job.”

James is also fond of our famous Fried Chicken Thursdays. “It’s such a tradition in this neighborhood,” he says with a smile. “It’s always busy and a bit chaotic, but I enjoy the nuttiness. It’s a part of what makes GLIDE so special.”

James cares about our clients because he’s lived that lifestyle. James’s message to our volunteers and supporters is simple but profound:

“When you see someone on the street and maybe they don’t look ‘right’, remember—they’re just like you. They have a story, they are someone’s mom, sibling or child, and sometimes they’ve made mistakes or faced challenges, but they’re still people. It’s all about perspective and compassion.”

His words are a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding in our work at GLIDE.

A Day in DeMarco's Life

DeMarco supporting a client.

In his current role, DeMarco manages a fast-paced environment, ensuring that our housing services run smoothly amidst a constant influx of requests. “Every day feels like putting out fires,” he jokes. “But with every challenge, I feel like I’m hitting the mark and making a difference.” From overseeing applications to managing caseloads, DeMarco’s commitment shines through in his meticulous attention to detail and unwavering positivity.

Cherished Moments

One of DeMarco’s most memorable moments at GLIDE came when a former client reached out to thank him personally. The client, who had initially sought help at GLIDE, was now thriving and even owning properties. He was able to hear from the client about how they turned their life around with the support of GLIDE resources. “It was incredible to see someone’s life transform and to know that GLIDE played a role in that journey,” DeMarco reflects.

“Whether it’s handling a tough situation or just making someone’s day a little brighter, it’s all worth it.”

Thank you, DeMarco!

DeMarco’s journey from facilitator to Housing Services Administrator is a powerful reminder of the impact one person can have. His dedication, positivity and heartfelt approach makes him a cornerstone of our team. His final words for our newsletter: “you have to see it to believe it”

Thank you DeMarco, for your unwavering commitment and for being an essential part of GLIDE’s mission.

If you are moved by this story—we recommend you reach out to us @ VOLTEAM@GLIDE.ORG to volunteer your time with packing hygiene kits. Hygiene kits are an important resource we provide our clients as an emergency resource that can begin one person’s journey towards long term stability.

GLibrary Needs Your Books !

We’re on the hunt for new or gently used books for our GLibrary initiative. From fiction to non-fiction, all genres are welcome! If you’re interested in donating, please reach out to our GLibrarian, Waverlee Craig, at: Wcraig@glide.org.

My Good-Bye

Dear GLIDE Family,

It is with a mix of excitement and a heavy heart that I share this news: my journey with GLIDE is coming to a close. As I prepare to embark on a new chapter, I find myself reflecting on the incredible experiences and meaningful connections I’ve made during my time here.

Being part of GLIDE has been more than a role—it has been a profound journey of growth, discovery, and community. From the moment I stepped into this vibrant, compassionate organization, I was embraced by a community of passionate individuals committed to making a difference. Together, we’ve shared countless moments of triumph, challenge, and joy, all in the spirit of radical inclusivity, truth telling, and service.

Working alongside each of our volunteers has been an honor. Your dedication, whether in serving meals, showing up for our annual holiday events, or supporting our various programs, has been nothing short of inspiring. I’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible impact of your work and the difference you make in the lives of those we serve.

One of my most cherished memories will always be the countless interactions with volunteers like you—your enthusiasm, your stories recounted in each month’s interviews, and your unwavering commitment to our mission. I have learned so much from each of you and am deeply grateful for the support and camaraderie that has marked my time here.

As I step away to explore new opportunities, I carry with me a heart full of gratitude and a spirit uplifted by the work we’ve accomplished together. While it’s hard to say goodbye, I am comforted by the knowledge that volunteers like YOU will continue to show up for our programs.

I will miss writing your monthly volunteer communications!

With heartfelt thanks and warm wishes,

Tessa Stapp
Volunteer Coordinator, GLIDE

Thank you for reading this month’s newsletter! Your commitment and passion make all the difference in our programming.

If you have a story idea or want to share your experiences, email us at volteam@glide.org with “Volunteer Newsletter Story” in the subject line. We can’t wait to hear from you!

With gratitude and excitement.


BE THE CHANGE: Newsletter Archive