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Center for Social Justice Mixer

Glide’s Center for Social Justice invites you to a mixer Thursday, August 01, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. Come meet our Justice Warriors, Center for Social Justice Staff, and Justice Academy graduates. Learn more about our new Justice Warriors volunteer program relaunch and how you can get involved! This will be a great night focused on GLIDE community and activism.

Justice Warriors engage community, clients, and staff to advocate and uplift the voices of historically marginalzed communities and move GLIDE’s policy agenda forward through direct action. Currently we have over 300 enrolled and are looking to expand with a new structure!

Join us for food, poetry, and community, and you will be entered in a raffle to win a GLIDE gift bag.

Poetry by Ramona Laughing Brook Webb:

She is an Afro-Creek Muskogee Queer poet and performing artist in the Bay Area. Mona proudly serves as the Janice Mirikitani Poet Theologian in Residence at Glide Memorial Church of San Francisco.

Ramona is also the first Poet-in-Residence in the National Center of Excellence In Women’s Health, The Black Women’s Health and Livelihood Initiative and The Black Wellness Center at the University of California San Francisco, working at the intersections of art integration into healthcare practices, cultural change, and racial health disparities. Mona serves as the new Director of Wellness in the Black Wellness Center while working at the intersection of race, gender, diversity, equity, and inclusion. They are also the proud founding curator of The Black Wellness Centers Art Gallery.

Mona is co-curator and co-director of the Queer Healing Arts Center of Oakland and is a conservatory-trained performance artist who writes and performs in “docu-ritual-drama” theater. Mona’s pronouns are she, her, them, and they.

For more information contact GLIDE’s Advocacy Manager Erick Arguello at earguello@glide.org

In solidarity,

Center for Social Justice