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Virtual Justice Series: Martin Luther King Jr.: The message in todays world

Martin Luther King, Jr was a Baptist minister and social activist that had a huge impact on the civil rights movement of the 1950’s in the United States. King was assassinated in 1968 and will be remembered for his non-violent protests against segregation and his “I have a Dream" speech. Has time changed the message? […]

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Virtual Justice Series: African American Heritage Month

As more information comes available, this event will be updated.  Please stay tuned.  For any questions please contact our Advocacy Manager, Erick Arguello at earguello@glide.org. In solidarity, Center for Social Justice

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Different Together

Led by Winnie and Chris Meets Monthly The Different Together project—previously known as Bridging the Divide—hosts conversations between people who otherwise might not communicate with each other. We seek to end divisions by offering a space for meaningful conversations, the kind that connect us regardless of politics, religion, race or social class. More information here.   […]

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